Show and Tell

Welcome back!! We missed you all a lot! We hope you had a very nice winter break! We are very anxious to see you and would love to know what you did!

Choose up to 3 of the following and get ready to tell the class about them:

  • One of your best moments of your winter break. You can show us a photograph to help you describe it.
  • Something you did differently during the holidays.
  • Did you do anything special for Friend’s Day?
  • Tell us about a place you went over the Winter Break.
  • Tell us about a food or meal you ate during the Winter Break.
  • Tell us about a movie you watched or a book you read.

Here is a list of irregular verbs that might help you!

Quizz: how much do you remember? You will solve a short quizz on-line during our Zoom class.

Writing task: Write about one of the topics you chose. Use at least 30 words. (You must send this by e-mail before Friday, July 31st to and copy Miss Beth at

Tomorrow we will talk about your personal Second Term’s Resolutions! You wrote very interesting and meaningful thoughts in your self-evaluation forms, congratulations!!